Company Profile

TelOptimize is a leading provider of telecommunications spend management solutions to mid-sized and large organizations across North America.

Headquartered in Ottawa, TelOptimize provides services that enable organizations to reduce, manage and control their telecommunications services.

Since 1998, TelOptimize has helped hundreds of organizations to reduce their telecommunications costs by millions of dollars per annum and, more importantly, has helped organizations to better understand their telecommunications services and associated invoices. Often the ‘real’ benefits of an audit were not realized from the savings or refunds that were achieved but rather from the understanding that his clients gained and the processes that they implemented to better manage and control their telecommunications services.

Today TelOptimize is privileged to work with a growing number of ‘repeat’ customers that appreciate the expertise and professionalism that TelOptimize exhibits with every engagement. We look forward to working with you to demonstrate our capabilities and likely exceed your expectations.

Management Team

Marin Ocolisanu: President
Prior to founding TelOptimize, Marin Ocolisanu, president of TelOptimize, was employed by various telecommunications services providers in North America including Rogers, AT&T and Bell Canada. While employed with these vendors he was surprised to find how often customers were over-billed for their services, how poorly telecom services were explained to customers and how poorly telecom invoices were presented. Marin realized the necessity for a consulting firm that would explain the intricacies of telecom services and associated invoicing and launched TelOptimize in 1998.

Bob Chu: Director of Professional Services
Mr. Bob Chu joined Teloptimize in 2012 as Director of Professional Services with responsibility for VoIP sourcing and deployments, LAN/WAN sourcing and deployments, project management and other telecom consulting services.
Mr. Bob Chu has over 27 years of progressive experience providing telephony and network system analysis, system planning and design, product evaluation and selection criteria, along with implementation and project management on large-scale initiatives. Prior to joining TelOptimize, Bob held management positions within the Information Technology departments at The Ottawa Hospital and Entrust Inc. He has lead the deployment of IP Telephony and LAN network implementations involving several thousand endpoints across multiple campuses during his career. He enjoys working with new clients and helping them achieve their goals using technology to improve upon business processes. Outside of work, he spends time with his family and 3 kids who are heavily involved in hockey.