Control your wireless costs

Although wireless services represent 25% of all corporate telecommunications expenditures, few organizations have the tools, processes and policies to adequately manage and control their wireless portfolio.

Most organizations have a myriad of wireless devices, carriers and rate plans, some are directly purchased and paid by the organization while others are purchased by individual employees and expensed to corporations. Very few organizations have a complete inventory of their wireless services and the tools to optimize their telecommunications expenditures. Additionally, and more importantly, many organizations lack a sound wireless policy to properly control their wireless services. Employees routinely leave organizations and retain their cellular phone numbers, pagers and mobile e-mail devices, creating limitless security risks for the organization. As wireless providers continue to add new services and features to their portfolio (text, audio, video messaging), your corporation's exposure to risk and cost will grow exponentially.

Wireless Management services enable our clients to establish a centralized, automated system to manage the provisioning, inventory and expense management functions required to control your corporation's wireless expenditures.

The system allows you to establish a complete inventory of your wireless services, receives your monthly electronic billing data, tracks your wireless assets, monitors your wireless usage, recommends optimal carrier rate plans for each user, and consolidates monthly carrier statements into a single web-based report.

Wireless Management services empower you to establish and enforce an effective wireless policy, optimize your rate plans, negotiate more favorable rates and terms with your wireless carriers, eliminate fraud/abuse and automatically allocate wireless charges to appropriate cost centers.