Telecom Auditing & Optimization

You are paying too much for your telecom services!

Regardless of the service, wireless, landline, voice, data or equipment maintenance, we can show you how to reduce your telecom costs by 30% to 40%!

Most mid-size to large organizations lack the resources or expertise to optimize their monthly telecom expenses, spending thousands and sometimes millions of dollars per annum for services that are not being used, no longer required or simply overpriced.

Many organizations believe that they have telecom costs under control because they have recently negotiated new rates for their wireless services and/or their Accounts Payables group reviews their monthly bills however they simply lack the expertise to conduct a thorough analysis of all telecom costs, including Local, LD/TF, WAN, Internet, Wireless and Equipment Maintenance.

Organizations across Canada often lack a complete and detailed inventory of their telecom services, have not negotiated recent competitive contracts for their telecom services and are simply not aware of the multitude of opportunities to reduce telecom costs. Simply put, they are paying more than they need to pay for their telecom services.

Recent developments in the Canadian telecommunications industry (Wireless Code and Local Forbearance) have created tremendous opportunities for organizations to strengthen their bargaining position with their current wireless and local services providers however very few organizations have leveraged these developments to reduce their telecom costs. The most recent Teloptimize audits have generated savings in excess of 30% of telecom spend. That’s $300,000 for every $1 million spend on telecom services that immediately bolstered our clients’ bottom lines!

We show our clients how to reduce and organize their telecom costs by:

1. Building a complete and detailed inventory of your telecom services
2. Rationalizing (reducing) telecom services to ensure that you only pay for what you need
3. Assisting you to negotiate market-leading rates, terms and conditions for your new telecom contracts
4. Implementing software and processes to manage inventory and expenses on a going-forward basis